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Malted Barley and Rye Bread Miche

malted barly and rye breadMalted Barley and Rye. Things that make me think of beer or a good bourbon! This is a quick boule that can be made in a pinch and turns out to be a nice crowd pleaser. Use it as part of a cheese plate or as a centerpiece, you can’t go wrong! It has a slight punchy flavor that complements this soft crumb and crusty bread.


That particular recipe makes an 8.3% rye loaf and yield roughly a 1.5kg miche.  Can be easily split in to two 750g loaves, either boules or batards.


  1. 600g of unbleached AP flour
  2. 50g rye flour
  3. 5g of rapid rise yeast
  4. 10g salt
  5. 450g lukewarm water
  6. 1 teaspoon malted barley

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  1. In roughly 50ml of warm water, mix in your yeast and let it activate for about 5 minutes
  2. In a food processor, mix the dry ingredients and pulse a few times to combine
  3. Add the remainder of the water and mix until you have a moist mass that cleans the side of the mixer bowl
  4. Add the malted barley and mix until incorporated
  5. Turn out the dough on to an oiled bowl and let it rise until doubled in size, roughly an hour.
  6. After an hour, turn out the dough on to a lightly floured surface and degas.
  7. Preshape the miche divide the loaf and preshape them at this time
  8. Shape the final loaf and transfer to your proofing baskets for another hour
  9. Preheat oven to 425F with your Cloche or other steam aiding devices
  10. Put the loaf in your Cloche and cook for 15 minutes with the lid, and for 25 minutes without
  11. Remove from the oven once the loaf (or loaves) are nicely browned and sound hollow when you tap the bottom
  12. Cool, cut, and enjoy!


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